Friday, March 27, 2009

One Generation Radicalizes Another

Tonight David and Claire led 19 WHM summer interns through our first night of Spring Training. Our goal was to get these students from all over the USA to come together and pray and dream and learn about their summer experience. It is always good to be with a group of young folks who are straining to break away from the status quo and do something for the King. The night was especially sweet as I watched this young couple, in love and on their way to a lifetime of following HIM together encouraging folks only a few years younger to take the risk.

They let me do a devotional before the prayer time in which I shared that the word "radical" comes from the word rooted. So, I challenged them to become young radicals so grounded in Christ that they can stand against the stresses and storms of this life, calling others to Christ. Yep, tonight I "preached to myself" reminding myself to sink deeper roots in HIM, while thanking him for helping me stand up to the storms as I face suffering. It has, after all, been a wonderful life, and the Best is Yet to Be.


Anonymous said...

Amen to this post. May our lives continue to reflect this call.


Matt Irvine said...

I meant to add that I don't FEEL as if I live radically (much less than I used to think I did!) but oh do I want to! Come Lord Jesus. Come Spirit. much love, Matt