Then he comes to men and says, ‘I have sinned and perverted what was right, but I did not get what I deserved. He redeemed my soul from going down to the pit and I shall live to enjoy the light. God does all these things to a man—twice, even three times—to turn back his soul from the pit that the light of life may shine on him.’” Job 33:27-30
WHEREAS, Among the many blessings God has bestowed on World Harvest Mission has been the presence and ministry of Nancy Macha, who served among us for over 25 years, first in Ireland and then as a part of our Sending Center ministry; and
WHEREAS, God has faithfully brought to completion His work in Nancy’s life, bringing her home to be with Him on August 30, 2008; and
WHEREAS, The formal records of World Harvest Mission should reflect our thanks to God for the gift of Nancy to our mission family.
THEREFORE, The board of directors of World Harvest Mission assembled here today does resolve, in gratitude to God and with love for the Macha family:
ONE, That we praise the God Who sent Nancy to us. We praise Him for the ways He revealed Himself as Healer and Redeemer through Nancy’s story, and for the freedom, joy and simplicity He gave her through His love. His “light of life” shone through her (Job 33).
TWO, That we thank God for the artistic gifts which He gave to Nancy, and which she in turn shared with us. Her paintings have blessed many in the mission family, both in Philadelphia and around the world.
THIRD, That we thank God for Nancy’s deep commitment to and love for her children, all of whom are faithfully following the Lord: Leah and her husband Chris, Josh and his wife Anne, and Karen Joy (K.J.). Through her children, Nancy’s love for Christ will reach into future generations: Aiden, Jonah, Lucia, Katherine, Micah, and those yet to be born.
FOURTH, That we thank God for Nancy’s evangelistic heart, evidenced in her desire that even through the darkness of her illness, people would come to know her Savior. As Josh said at her Memorial Service, Nancy was a woman who knew she’d found the “pearl of great price,” and she never let it go.
FIFTH, That we praise God for Nancy’s steady, faithful love of Dan through 33 years of marriage. Nancy’s gift of a Mazda Miata to Dan on the occasion of his 50th birthday perfectly exemplifies the kind of open-handed, knowing love she had for her husband and life partner.
Joy mixes in with our sorrow; our loss is Heaven’s gain, and we rejoice that Nancy now knows her Savior face-to-face. With heartfelt gratitude and tears, we praise God for the gift of Nancy to World Harvest Mission, and pray God’s abundant comfort to Dan and the children as they grieve this loss.
Tom Hawkes, Chairman of the Board
On behalf of the World Harvest Mission family
October 6, 2008
WHEREAS, Among the many blessings God has bestowed on World Harvest Mission has been the presence and ministry of Nancy Macha, who served among us for over 25 years, first in Ireland and then as a part of our Sending Center ministry; and
WHEREAS, God has faithfully brought to completion His work in Nancy’s life, bringing her home to be with Him on August 30, 2008; and
WHEREAS, The formal records of World Harvest Mission should reflect our thanks to God for the gift of Nancy to our mission family.
THEREFORE, The board of directors of World Harvest Mission assembled here today does resolve, in gratitude to God and with love for the Macha family:
ONE, That we praise the God Who sent Nancy to us. We praise Him for the ways He revealed Himself as Healer and Redeemer through Nancy’s story, and for the freedom, joy and simplicity He gave her through His love. His “light of life” shone through her (Job 33).
TWO, That we thank God for the artistic gifts which He gave to Nancy, and which she in turn shared with us. Her paintings have blessed many in the mission family, both in Philadelphia and around the world.
THIRD, That we thank God for Nancy’s deep commitment to and love for her children, all of whom are faithfully following the Lord: Leah and her husband Chris, Josh and his wife Anne, and Karen Joy (K.J.). Through her children, Nancy’s love for Christ will reach into future generations: Aiden, Jonah, Lucia, Katherine, Micah, and those yet to be born.
FOURTH, That we thank God for Nancy’s evangelistic heart, evidenced in her desire that even through the darkness of her illness, people would come to know her Savior. As Josh said at her Memorial Service, Nancy was a woman who knew she’d found the “pearl of great price,” and she never let it go.
FIFTH, That we praise God for Nancy’s steady, faithful love of Dan through 33 years of marriage. Nancy’s gift of a Mazda Miata to Dan on the occasion of his 50th birthday perfectly exemplifies the kind of open-handed, knowing love she had for her husband and life partner.
Joy mixes in with our sorrow; our loss is Heaven’s gain, and we rejoice that Nancy now knows her Savior face-to-face. With heartfelt gratitude and tears, we praise God for the gift of Nancy to World Harvest Mission, and pray God’s abundant comfort to Dan and the children as they grieve this loss.
Tom Hawkes, Chairman of the Board
On behalf of the World Harvest Mission family
October 6, 2008
You know I found myself gladdened to think how God had delivered this mistreated young girl to give her a place of honor among a movement impacting lives around the world. With this resolution Nancy's role in the life and ministry of WHM is fully acknowledged. What a joy to receive this token of her life among us.
Well said WHM. How honored you must have been Dan. She was an important part of so many lives. Someday we'll all know the complete magnitude.
very nice. Glad it's official--but it would've been true even without the plaque!
What a blessing...I cried through the whole thing! So glad that I got to "know" Nancy through this blog!
way to go, WHM!!! well said, indeed!
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