Monday, October 20, 2008

Service Download

Yesterday a dear friend asked if there was a recording of Nancy's service. That prompted me to remember that I had not posted the link to an audio file WHM made availible to our mission family.

The link is noted in our Director's email to the mission family. I am sure you will also appreciate Bob's kind words as well as the chance to hear the service for yourself

From Bob Osborne:

Dear World Harvest Family,

I called a WHMer in Africa last week, only to find that she and a teammate had just met up to pray for Nancy Macha. What a sweet picture of fellowship in our mission family. At Nancy’s memorial service, Hunter Dockery (WHM board member and Ireland teammate of the Macha’s) spoke of the koinonia that comes from serving together in God’s Kingdom. He said, “There’s a kind of fellowship that comes from sitting around a pub or cafĂ© together, but then there’s another kind, the kind that comes from throwing all that you have into a common venture and giving it all you’ve got.” Nancy’s memorial was a powerful testimony to the depth of the bonds that grow as we lay down our lives together for the world’s good and God’s glory.
I know many of you would have loved to have been there, and many were praying from far away. It was a bit of a WHM family reunion for those who could make it: Sending Center staff, WHM adult MKs, the Bartkoviches, Millers, Elwoods, Smallmans, Dockerys, Anguses, and other friends and family from early WHM and New Life Glenside days. Hunter gave a great message, full of the Gospel, and a picture of how God moved in Nancy’s life from their time in Ireland to now. Since you all have been following their journey through the blog, we thought it would be important to send the audio recording of the service, including Josh Macha’s tribute to Nancy. You can download the audio file at:

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