Thursday, October 16, 2008

permission to laugh

Nancy and I had our own language of laughter: pet names, running gags,and imaginary characters created a private world of joy that Nancy and I developed over our years together. Much of that became lost as the summer ended. And I don’t want recapture the pet names and stories just now---or probably ever.

But nothing gladdens my heart like laughing and making others smile. Returning to healthy living means teasing, exaggerating and acting generally like a “wild and crazy guy” from time to time. Humor is one straw HE gives me to drink from those springs found in Psalm 84.

I am thankful for the community of joy that I have at the WHM office. Today my longstanding support of Title IX and other progressive causes became an object of merriment even as we continued advancing the Grand Cause together. My coworkers have allowed me to shake free of sadness for long stretches each day. Slowly, I am reclaiming permission to laugh. These dear brothers and sisters help me believe that HE is going to sustain me through this valley.


Anonymous said...

Oh, yes! I concur! Laughter is one of God's gifts to us, and how kind of Him to give you the WHM family in which to exercise this gift! Laughter makes life sweet!

David & Claire said...

Dan, you can post your Title IX napkin on my cubicle anytime!

Anonymous said...

Dan, you gave me a line probably 30 years ago that still makes me laugh today. You and I (why, I don't know) were painting my dad's garage doors on Roberts Ave. I was making fun of you (I think) for spilling paint on the ground, and you said, "I may not be neat, but at least I'm slow!" Still makes me laugh. Blessings. Carol VanDyken