Thursday, October 30, 2008

Has it been two months, or 2000 years?

After Dad went Home I tried to call my mom on the anniversary of his death to let her know I remembered, that I was praying. On the 2 year anniversary call I remarked, "It doesn't seem like two years."

"Oh yes it does!" came her response.

Nancy went home two months ago today, and I now fully understand what Mom said about how slowly time passes once you lose your mate. It feels like decades since we were frying a turkey together last Thanksgiving, celebrating a Phillies's win, or I was watching her draw her last breath. Each day seems hours old before I make it out the door to work, and some of the evenings pass like weeks.

At the same time, I often wake up expecting to find her next to me, think of things to tell her driving home for work and hope to find her there when I walk in the door. It seems like just yesterday we were texting back and forth about a Friday night date. (I can't bear to delete one of those messages just yet.)

So, the valley of grief is a place where time itself seems distorted. Some moments are fleeting, others never end. But then again, our experience is myopic. Perhaps we actually gain glimpses of HIS perspective as we travel this Valley. After all, Peter reminds us that "with the Lord one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like one day." Once again I see how Nancy is leading me to admit how very little I understand about reality after all. I am also certain her perspective on this earthly separation is currently far wiser, far more informed than mine.

Meanwhile, time feels further distorted as I am 24 hours away from seeing the specialist. Pray that I can know HIS presence as I begin the next mile with Dr. Meller FRIDAY OCTOBER 31 @ 11:30 AM, EASTERN TIME.


domandkat said...


I will be praying for tomorrow's appointment - indeed already have been.

But I have to say that I'm sure you heard the heavens rejoicing last night as Nancy was leading EVERYONE in a celebratory whoop and hollar at the Phillies winning! Congrats on that score :-)

Dom will be emailing you soon to reply to your email...

Cindy Nore said...

Hi Dan - I will absolutely have you in my prayers tomorrow; praying for wisdom and discernment for the doctor and peace for you and your kids. Hang in there - Cindy

Debby GW said...

Dan I am praying for you, your appointment today - and the challenge that I imagine each day brings both for you, KJ, and the other kids.

The Syvertsens said...

praying for you and rejoicing that the phillies won the series in nancy's honor.