Thursday, October 9, 2008

After the Bell

I have spent the last two days on a planning retreat with the senior leadership of WHM. These folks are more than business associates. Guys like Hunter, Eric, Dan, Bob, Paul, Meredith and others have walked with me so long in so many different places. They are my brothers. The time away engaged my mind, encouraged my soul, and reignited my passions for the Grand Cause. It was also fun to eat, play and laugh.

But tonight, hearing the financial news, I realized how much I missed Nancy's quiet, calm faith. Having invested in the pearl of great price, she would have told me not to worry, suggested we pray and restored my sanity. Without her I find my stomach churning overtime. There is no rushing this process of walking without her.


Anonymous said...

I find nighttime magnifies apprehensions. You are right, there can't be any rushing learning to do life without your better half. Thank you for talking candidly, so we can all pray better. And maybe this is the time to pick one of Nancy's favorite verses or admonitions or prayers, and adopt it when the fears start up again. You are not alone, brother.

Anonymous said...


Looking at the photos of your grandchildren brought back such vivid memories of your children at those ages. It is a blessing to see how Nancy's love for God,for her children, for the Kingdom, and for the unreached is mirrored in the lives of your children. We pray for your breaking heart and aching life, Chuck and Nancy Snyder