When Nancy and I came back from Ireland in 1985 we had tasted defeat. Our first attempt at pulling together a faith community had ended in failure. We needed reinforcements. That led us to ask Hunter and Julie Dockery to join us...and to lead the newly rebuilt team.
We spent several years in Dublin together, learning to work together, learning to pray together, learning to love one another. To be honest, Hunter often carried me on his back, as Hope Christian Fellowship was born. The day we took Nancy to Keystone Hospice I called this comrade and asked him to come preach at Nancy's funeral. "I need the gift of your faith to help celebrate Nancy's trip Home when it comes" I told him. Naturally, when the time came, he and Julie came up from Winston-Salem, along with Ger and Wendy. These friends helped make the day a celebration of the Lion's victory over death.
When I came back from Ireland in 1992 I was definitely battle weary. As part of refitting for the next round of battle I attended the Arrow Leadership Program beginning that fall. One of the guys I met there was Tom Hawkes. I remember Tom's role in helping me figure out what direction HE might take me as I rolled into my 40's. Later, Tom and I spent time in Prague, laying the foundation for WHM's current work there.
Now both of these dear brothers serve on WHM's Board. In another moment of divine convergence, they presented me with a framed copy of the resolution WHM passed to honor Nancy's years of service. Such moments remind me that HE is stitching together a perfect tapestry from the confusing threads of our lives. While we wait for the summing up of all things in Christ for HIS glory, we are encouraged to get these snapshots of how it does all fit together. The snapshot below was such a moment for me!
Hunter, Dan and Tom at the WHM Board Meeting
1 comment:
There are many words and at the same time no words. We miss her and we ache with you. We are thankful to journey with you and for our history. See you in a couple of weeks. Ger and Wendy
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