Friday, October 24, 2008

Out of gas, Out of courage

I came home last night to a call from Dr. Cowan informing me that my PSA score had doubled since April. So, today I started a round of antibiotics to combat the possibility of an infection.
Meanwhile, I will see a specialist a week from today. I don't need to tell my middle aged readers that this reading raises the possibility of cancer once again. It will take some time to sort out this latest development. So, I face a month of treatments, tests, and uncertainty.

How am I doing? I feel too dizzy to stand, much less walk. Right now, I like the idea of staying in bed for the next four weeks, only getting up for the required doctor's ppointments. Hopefully, tomorrow I will begin to regain my balance. But right now the tank is empty. Only HE can fill it as I travel the next mile.


Anonymous said...

Praying for peace and strength for you, Dan.

CS said...

We're praying for you and kids.

Cindy Nore said...

Dan, I am so sorry you and your kids are having to go through this month long ordeal of uncertainty on top of everything else. I will pray with all my strength for peace, for courage, for comfort, for your tank to be filled up with the energy only God can provide. I pray that you will be able to "walk and not faint," that the love of family and friends will boost up your tired body, soul, and spirit as you continue to put one foot in front of the other. With love, Cindy

Anonymous said...

Your comments on the cloud of witnesses mentioned in Hebrews 12 touched my heart. Today, Oct. 25th, is the anniversary of Betty Herron's home-going. (As I recall, Ps. 84 was read at her funeral.} I can "see" her in the company of witnesses, along with my mom and dad and many others who have been called home before us. We miss them so and will keep missing them till Jesus calls or comes for us. But--we KNOW that day will come and with it the fullness of joy that reunion before the Face of Jesus will bring! I'm praying for your clinging!

Wendy said...

Dan, we love you and are for you. Remember once again, we are image bearers of The Mighty King. We love because He first loved us. May He comfort you and direct us how to care for and pursue, His people and your loved ones.
His mercies are new every morning. I pray that you will know His refreshing, His carrying, the Holy Sanctuary of His presence over the coming month. We pray this for you, for KJ, for Leah and for Josh.
Peace my friend.

Anonymous said...

Dan, I have read in John 16 "you will have pain...but your pain will turn into joy.." When I had my third biopsy for having a high PSA I couldn't comprehend it entirely. Anyway, you may recall staying at my place in Chicago 10/06. Really enjoyed having you over. If you need a quick get away, and get some gas (the price is going down) you are always welcome (I have a Polish neighbor that makes some great healthy soup...)and there's always da BEARS. Many in Chicago are keeping you and your family in our prayers. Chuck