Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Murphy's Law

This road contains some unexpected potholes. Take the one I hit early this week. I had enjoyed a great weekend with family and friends. Things were looking more focused at work. Life seemed to be opening up again.

Then it happened. I was filled with an inexplicable panic. I found myself wondering what was about to go wrong. You see, each time over the last few years that life calmed down, another storm hit. I found myself expecting another brick to fall out of the sky and hit me on the head. Though I haven't read about this phenomenon, I suspect that this kind of panic abounds among spousal survivors. We struggle to believe another disaster is not around the corner.

Only lots of gospel conversation with myself and the prayers of friends have controlled this bushfire of panic. By the way, the panic was triggered by the reminder that my follow up doctor's appointment is set for one month from today: February 20 Pray for the panic to subside, love to abound and faith to direct my steps.


C J Shaffer said...

"In God We Trust". Murphy's law and other worldly promises will not sustain you but HE will. Consider your request for prayers to help you through this next month delivered and rely on those around you and who care about you to stand with you.

domandkat said...

Aye-men to that CJ!