Thursday, January 29, 2009

Renewed by the Old Stories

My kids are always encouraging me in this journey. A few weeks ago Josh mentioned that he was planning to read the Bible all the way through this year. It had been a while since I took this on. The sufferings of the last couple of years had left me clinging to the Psalms, snatches of the gospels and not much else. I sensed the need to soak myself in large chunks of truth, to get the "Big Picture."

So, I decided to go for it. I began the plan I have used before. It moves you through three different sections of Scripture each day. Reading this much Scripture, I am often just skimming the surface. But I reconnect with familiar Tales of Truth. I am reminded that God moves into the lives of flawed people like the "Patriarchs of the Old Testament," that Jesus spoke to us in simple stories, that the Psalms are anthems of love and dirges of sorrow. And I recapture the wonder of this God of power, purpose and patience, The One who faithfully carries us through every stretch of our journey with Him.

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