Sunday, January 4, 2009

Celebrating a Fellow Pilgrim

We first moved to Ireland in 1983. Back in those pre-Internet days, it was hard to get news from the USA. A high school student named Marc stepped into the breach, sending us box scores from home from time to time.

Later we followed Marc as he moved into student ministry for several years. Then after we had returned home he and as his wife Susan moved to Philadelphia so that Marc could attend Westminster Seminary. During those years we would up in the same small group together. I remember that Marc reached out to Nancy several times during the time when she found being in any group situation very difficult. Marc helped make Nancy feel safe.

But, for some reason after graduation Marc went through several wilderness years where he could not seem to find a position in vocational ministry. Eventually, Marc and I served on important committee which helped clarify the leadership direction of New Life Church. We were thrilled when Marc was later added to the staff of the church after that.

In his capacity as shepherding pastor at New Life, Marc sat with the kids and me as we waited through Nancy's December 26 surgery. Then on August 30 he was in the room with us when Nancy drew her last breath.

Tonight, I was asked to participate in Marc's formal ordination as a pastor. It was an honor to read the opening scripture and offer a prayer. Through bittersweet tears I joined in the singing "Blessed Be Your Name" which had also been sang at Nancy's funeral. Later, on I was one of the elders who offered the "right hand of fellowship" to him after the laying on of hands marking his ordination. In that moment I told him both his mom (who went home in 2003) and Nancy were both proud of him.

Tonight I celebrate the long, faithful partnership of Marc and Susan Davis as we walk together behind the King!


jimkcohort17 said...

Hi Dan, I just came across your blog whilst checking out some items in my own name. You mention we met at KSU at an Irish talk. I am afraid I am drawing a blank on our meeting - but would be interested in a reconnection.

Unknown said...

we were so very proud of marc too. and like you, we were with him in those years when it seemed like there was no light at the end of the tunnel.

God seemingly dragged His feet, but at the right moment in history, marc had his call.

i think i smiled through most of the service, i was just so happy for him!

Ron Lusk said...

I saw and shared your tears during "Blessed Be Your Name": we have celebrated the gift of several saints with that song, and I fear we are not done with it. Yet because we know those saints still sing that song (and many others of the Blessed Realm), we can hear them (if we are listening)... and be encouraged.

And when the fight is fierce,
the warfare long,
Steals on the ear the distant triumph song
Then hearts are brave again
and arms are strong:
Alleluia! Alleluia!