Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Sickness, Sadness, and Resurrection Hope

It's funny how each time I experience something for the first time without Nancy it provokes a new set of memories and a different session of grieving. Yesterday I awoke with a serious case of stomach flu. I was on my back all day. This was my first "bug" since she went home.

And so memories came, of the good care she extended to me through my appendectomy in Ireland, gall bladder surgery in Philly, and numerous bouts of the flu or sinusitis. And then I remember her intense physical battle in this same house only a few months back.

Those are not easy moments. The pain of our parting once more rushes over me. But I can find gratitude in knowing a faithful care giver's love, and joy in believing that her physical discomfort has ceased. Neither flu virus, nor cancer cells will triumph, for HE is risen!

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