Saturday, January 3, 2009

The Dance Card Down Here

I began the year with the image of Nancy celebrating before her Savior while I am determined to continue dancing down here. So, what might that look like in 2009?

A familiar passage came to mind as the year began. In Joel 2.25 God promises, "I will make up to you for the years the swarming locust has eaten." In one sense we helped Nancy reap the sweet harvest of her homegoing, but there have several years in which many dreams were swallowed up. I am trusting that God will grant a season of fruitbearing in some other fields.

At World Harvest. I will continuing to mobilize the next generation, traveling a bit again, and doing some long-delayed fund raisng.

Here on Easton Road. I continue working on the routine of doing life without Nancy's helpful presence. It is also time to deal with some neglected projects around the house. During the year I will be praying about whether I want to continue living in the place so full of Nancy's influence, rent it out, sell it or...whatever.

With the writing project. I do want to see if a book is rattling around somewhere inside this computer. I need the proper time spot and a safe place to work on the revisions.

At New Life Church. I actually began a scheduled sabbatical as an elder last March and I am pondering what role I am am meant to play in the life of the congregation as the year rolls along.

Reconfiguring my social and relational life. Most who know the story, know that my relational world has shrunk over the last few years. While my years on the farm have left me with appreciation for solitude, I am also fairly addicted to bursts of intense human interaction. Seriously, I know that I will never escape the valley of grief by myself. So, what does that mean? In 2009 I must resolutely move toward people, and trust HIM for the emotional energy that requires.

Finally, there is my close buddy and current housemate KJ. She laid down her life to care for her mom last year. But I don't believe she is being called to "take care of Dad" here in Glenside for the next five years. Ask HIM to show her what HE has for her in this new year.

1 comment:

C J Shaffer said...
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