Tuesday, April 21, 2009

What's gonna work? TEAMWORK!!

I have learned that you don't climb out of the valley alone. The sweetest moments of the climb from the valley of despair towward the cliffs and plains of hope have included others. As I told someone last night, I couldn't "heal alone."But therein lies the rub. It takes teamwork. Those who have come into the valley to find me must also confront the darkness and bear the pain on my behalf.

Also, I am not the only one who was thrust onto this path. As I mentioned earlier, the kids and grand kids are fellow pilgrims. And I must make sure that no child is left behind, even though we climb at different speeds and use different handholds in inching forward. My own efforts can't leave others alone in the valley. We must be as one striving for the sake of the gospel.

How do we stride in one step with all our different pains, hopes, needs and desires? Beans, I don't know. As we pray, the Father must show us the way.....join us in that petition!

1 comment:

Becky Wilson said...

Absolutely, Dan. And thank you for the gift of your reflections Sunday. It was rich from start to finish.