Friday, April 10, 2009

It's Done

"It is finished!" When can you ever say that? There is always more to do; more coming at you than what you are able to get done. I noticed that the past year more than ever. The dishes keep getting dirty, I always need something from O'Neil's Grocery Market. The house always needs tidying up, always something should head for the laundry room, and I have already written about cooking. After all, you never stop eating.

Meanwhile, there is work. One email generates another. A phone call begets a returned message. There is always another meeting to attend. One more event cries out for planning. A teammate looks in for direction.

Then there are people everywhere. Friends. You gotta keep track of friends. And family. You gotta love on your family.

It's never over is it? Except once. When it counted. Jesus hung on the Cross 'til he could cry out in agony and victory: "It is finished." He had done it. God and I could be friends, because his death broke the power of canceled sin and set this prisoner free.

So, it is okay to rest. On HIM. ALONE.
And that's the name of that tune.

1 comment:

Becky Wilson said...

And it's a song to sing forever and ever and ever. Thank you, Dan, for the reminder.