Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Slinging the Seed, Seeing the Spouts

Seed sowing is interesting. You really don't know what's going to happen because it is up to God. You sling it out there and you see what grows.

This afternoon I picked up the phone to find Sarah telling me, "I felt moved to call you. Somehow either my husband or I signed up for your prayer letter. It has encouraged us. We keep thinking about missions and decided we should give you a call to see if WHM would be a good fit for us."

It seems that when I spoke to a class at Lancaster Bible College six years ago her husband Michael signed up for my prayer letter. Nothing special seemed to happen that day. It was a long drive to cover an early class populated by young folks just beginning to dream the dream. Six years later the phone rang.

I don't know what will happen with these guys. They may never be led to join us or someday they may lead a team to Pakistan. But today I was encouraged. Tonight I am reminded that sowing the seeds of Kingdom vision is always a worthwhile task.


Anonymous said...

That's awesome!

Alicia said...

Thanks for sowing seeds with us! I wanted to let you know that I think of your wife when I make a lot of lasagna for company. Though I never had the privilege of meeting her, I feel like I got to know her a bit when you visited us in AZ. She "came with you" through the way you spoke about your family and your different experiences, and the memory of good lasagna that she would make for guests. I continue to be touched by her life and yours through this blog. May you continue to be full of courage in your journey.