Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Building a Case for Health

This latest health scare has led me to do some pleading with the Father.

I am trying to avoid resigning myself to some sort of tragic outcome. I have been encouraged to steer clear of believing that "Murphy's Law" applies here.

So, today I started building this list of reasons I want to get the "all clear" and move on with life.

They include:

  1. I don't want my kids to face the serious illness of another parent.

  2. My grand kids could use an Ampa.

  3. I have failed to "reproduce myself" in my current WHM position and I want to train a "recruiting Timothy."

  4. I learned a lot on Dan and Nancy's journey that I want to impart to others.

  5. I want to write The Book. (Maybe that is 4b....but it's my list)

  6. I just want a break on this journey. A time to go to the Phillies games, sit on the sofa and eat popcorn while watching dumb movies and generally enjoy simple stuff.

  7. I would love to help plant another church by walking alongside a gifted young leader.

  8. New possibilities have been planted that I would love to harvest.

Okay, so it's not a top ten list. Pick two reasons of your own if you know me well enough. But it is part of the brief I am presenting to my Advocate before the Father. He has pleaded my case before, substituting His goodness for my guilt. I trust HIM to represent me well as this thing unfolds.


DrsMyhre said...

Dan, spent time in Mark 10 this morning. Bartimaeus yelled out for healing, for mercy, for attention. May you sense the freedom to ask in the same Spirit. Perhaps reason #9: because you want to be whole (Jesus asks, after all, what do you want me to do for you??). And #10, because this is a request in line with God's healing of an entire groaning creation.
Agreeing with you in prayer,
Jennifer and Scott

domandkat said...

Can't pretend to know you well enough to suggest reasons.


Unlike Nancy-who it appears didn't get a choice-you may be getting our Father is saying I'm not finished with you yet, but why don't you make a list of what you'd like to do before you "grow up and move to heaven".

I like your choices at any rate!