Friday, February 20, 2009

Friday Night Fights of Faith

Friday night with Tedster and the movie Apollo 13. The house is pretty silent and it is unlikely a party is going to break out. A bit mellow and bittersweet to be sure. But not entirely "empty."

I SIT HERE: Warmed by the love I saw between KJ and Leah this week. Amazed to see how much Jonah has grown. Glad that HE sustained me through a chapel talk in which I felt the tanks run dry five minutes before I sat down. Thankful HE showed up today and gave us some new ideas for a project that had stalled at work. Blessed by a friend who talks to me every night and then prays against the terror I feel while awaiting biopsy results.

Here in 319 it has felt like winter for years now. A long winter but no Christmas in this house has dragged on far too long. Still, Daylight Savings Time is only a week or so away, the first hint of spring. Could this be a season of health and new beginnings? Or another like the false spring of 2008? Tonight I long for fresh starts and all clears. For true spring. I can only lean on the goodness of the One who promises us The Ultimate Sign of Spring: The Resurrection.

Join me in praying for good news next week. I want to run through a few fields of daisies once the spring is under way. Aslan is on the Move. So, we can expect the flowers to bloom.


Leah said...

It was great to be with you, KJ and Teddie Lou this week. I am praying for you Dad.

words and streets said...

You have a pretty amazing family Dan. I'll be joining in on the pray-er's, too.