Monday, February 2, 2009

Leaning and Learning

I used to be afraid to be around suffering folks. Scared that I wouldn't know what to do or say. That it it took some special knowledge, special grace, special wisdom to walk that close to pain. Well, it is good it is good to know what what to say, what to do, what to try, what not do, say or try. You can learn a little of that stuff with experience. But to move toward suffering takes nothing more than leaning that way.

Just this weekend, I was with two people I hold very dear. Each of them has given me more than I could ever say. Each of them face a unique hurt. But I have been near their kind of deep pain before. And I found HIS presence, HIS comfort, HIS courage, and HIS compassion each step along the way. So, tonight I promise that I will stay with both of these friends simply to remind them that our Suffering Savior walks with us, and by his stripes they will be healed. Leaning toward their sorrow, I will find comfort for my own.

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