Wednesday, September 10, 2008

reclaiming one of our pastimes

I had been promising to take KJ to a baseball game for weeks. Last night we finally pulled it off. She had never been our biggest sports fan. But the summer had changed things. She had watched many Phillies games with us since coming home from college, joining me as we sat with Nancy. Nancy kept engaged with something outside the house until finally her interest ebbed at the beginning of August. By then KJ was hooked, even selecting Carlos Ruiz as her favorite player.

So, we finally pulled off the trip to Citizens Bank Park. Each of us selected a piece of "Phillies wear." KJ donned the Phanatic t-shirt she and Leah purchased for Mom in June. I pulled on the cap Nancy got at the ballpark as part of the "birthday package" I had arranged for her last August 24. Wordlessly we decided that was the way we made sure she came with us. The warm late summer air felt good after so many hours inside this year. I exchanged banter with other geeky fans nearby while being impressed with the way KJ followed the action. The game was exciting although the good guys lost 10-8.

Clearly we came home with "mission accomplished."We had fun, soldiering through the waves of sadness. But we were both determined not to let the cold shadow of Nancy's departure ruin one of the pleasures that has knit this family together for 4 generations now. In short we had "grieved well."

Meanwhile, I am trying to catch up on neglected health issues again. It feels weird to check on matters of concern without Nancy alongside me to pray and hear my worries. So will you pray for a visit I have tomorrow (9/11) at 2:30pm?


Unknown said...

dan, i have been praying that you all would 'grieve well' so it's good to know how you are. and what a sweet way to go to the ballgame, with things that reminded you of nancy. i'm glad you and KJ had some good daughter/dad time together.

Cindy Nore said...

Hi Dan and family. I am so glad to hear that you guys were able to enjoy a Phillies game last night, and I surely believe Nancy was there with you in spirit. A friend of mine, Marie, has a son Joe who went to Heaven 10 years ago at the age of 17 after a six year battle with cancer. She told me recently that contrary to what most people told her about the need to "let go" of Joe, she takes him with her every day in her soul and spirit and memories. I know Nancy was honored that you made sure she "came along with you" to the game last night. You are indeed grieving well, which is very hard work, and a testimony to your tenacity and courage.

Dan, I will definitely be praying for your own health and your doctor's visit tomorrow. I know Nancy will also be there in spirit with you as well.

God bless - Cindy

Anonymous said...

Dan, So thankful to get to share in your ballgame, and thankful that you grieved well!! Will be lifting you up tomorrow at 2:30!!!

Sarah said...

Hi Dan,

This is Sarah Owen, now Sarah Iseley, who was with WHM in Ireland a few years back. I've been keeping up with your blog and wanted to let you know that you are on my heart and have been in my prayers and tears much lately. Thank you for sharing your story and for giving readers the precious gift of knowing your heart in the midst of the grief. We lost our first baby to miscarriage a few months ago and I found much healing in sharing my story and grief. God met me in so many ways as I walked through the valley of the shadow. Blessings to you, and much grace to you as well.

Anonymous said...

Yes, we will surely pray as you give due attention to your own health, Dan. And thank you for both taking care of yourself and for letting us know so that we all can pray as well.

I also want to note that I greatly appreciate you taking the time to include us in your thoughts. I think of you and your family as I drive past your home, and find myself wondering "How is it for them right this minute? Lord, meet them in their private hurt or discouragement or joy---wherever they are and whatever they need, please be in the middle of it all and give them what they stand in need of."

When you take the time to give us snapshots of your days, we can better picture and pray.

Anonymous said...

Dan and family,

I concur. I appreciate the time you take to share how you're processing things, your insights and impressions, and specific needs for prayer.

I will most definitely pray for your appointment tomorrow.


Kimberly Smith

Laura said...


Wendy said...

We'll check in soon. Take care now. Ger and Wendy

Susan said...

Dan, I was just catching up on your blog entries and I was struck by this photo of KJ. Her profile reminded me so much of Nancy's. I'm guessing you've had moments recently when you've seen Nancy's face alive in your kids. I know that's bittersweet. My heart still aches for you. Still thankful that you are sharing this journey with us. As you've said in other entries, it's good for you...but it's good for us who read it, too. Sharing this journey a little with you calls me to Jesus. Thanks for being so open with us. We love you.

Susan (and JJ) Foster