Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Two Journeys of Faith

Today I answered my cell phone shortly after noon to hear "hi Dad." And I knew that a father's prayers had been answered. That phone call, via Chase and Sha's Vonage line confirmed that KJ had managed the 24 hour trip from Glenside to Cluj traveling solo. She had left the house about 7:30 am Tuesday morning, traveling through the day and night and the next day through Philly, New York City and on to to Bucharest by herself before our friends met her in Cluj.

We are so thrilled to see how this trip came together. Nancy was especially encouraged to see that KJ had pressed on, continuing to reach into the fututre even as we faced the spring's challenges. Making this journey on her own truly was a journey of faith by our youngest. We are asking HIM to use this visit to Romania to clarify KJ's plans for the next chapter of her walk with HIM.

Meanwhile, another trip unfolded yesterday. Though it was far shorter, it also strengthened our faith. Last night Nancy and I walked down to the local grocery store. Together we picked up fruit, laundry detergent and protein. The trip was possible only because Nancy is much stronger than she was three weeks ago. Not sure a shopping trip ever meant more to me.

Stocking up on "3 O'clock Bananas"

The next two days we face a couple of medical tests; scans to make sure that that the disease has not spread to any other area. These procedures are cautionary. It's like checking the other rooms in the house for cinders after you have contained a raging fire in the living room.

Still these procedures scare me. You can't know what we might find....but, when do we ever control the next day's events? When will I ever learn to rest in the fact that HE alone numbers our days, and directs our steps?? Ron Clegg directed us to I Peter 5 yesterday. Those words reminded me that the Empty One prowls around trying to scare us away from the One Who leads us through each of our journeys, whether they take us to the food market or a distant land.
We have no choice but to follow HIM, trusting his wise direction.


Mom said...

Such an encouragement, Dan.. so thankful for you two.. and us all.. Becky Long

CS said...

It's fantastic and so encouraging to us having KJ here. LOTs of talking! Thinking of you more than ever and praying for Nancy's tests over the next few days.

Anonymous said...

She is cuter. Tell her I said so.