Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Hydration and Supplication

First of all, a quick update. Nancy has continued to brighten up the last two days. She is smiling, cracking jokes and moving around with a little bounce in her steps.

We learned a lot about the importance of keeping her hydrated the last week. Today we were able set up "home IVs" to our arsenal in this fight. An infusion nurse came to the house with the necessary stuff to allow us to administrator fluids in the comfort of our living room. Part of this involved our learning how to do this without a nurse present. She carefully guided me through the process of connecting the saline bag to Nancy's port. Later this afternoon with our dear friend Lynn cheering us on we disconnected the empty bag and safely closed Nancy's port.

I am thankful that we continue to find new bonding experiences even after 33 years of marriage. In fact, learning "home infusion" was the most complex medical procedure we have undertaken jointly since we did childbirth classes together before Leah was born. (BTW, pray that we can remember how to do this procedure the next time we infuse.)

Yesterday we had our second weekly prayer meeting here at our house. Each Tuesday at 4:30 PM we open the door for our friends to come and pray for us for 15 minutes. Already the time has been a wonderful blessing. If you are in the area please feel free to drop by.


Cindy Nore said...

Hi Dan and Nancy - I was so glad to hear that the screening tests were all "clear" of cancer. So happy to hear too that the IV fluids are making a difference in Nancy's energy level and overall physical health. I am praying every day that the chemo is doing the work of destroying the cancer and that the side effects will be manageable. I wish I could be there to pray with you in person, but know that I am praying for you every day from Atlanta! Much love to all of you - Cindy Nore

Alicia said...

We have been following this journey from afar and have been learning a lot from your faith amidst trial. It is so encouraging to see the many ways that He is near to you. We are also encouraged by the recent tests. Praise be to God. May He richly bless you both. Alicia and Patrick Havens