Monday, July 21, 2008

heartbeats, blood counts and drumbeats

We proceeded with today's chemo as planned. But we adjusted the schedule a bit. We will do a Cat Scan a week from today, and then decide about a sixth round of the current regimen. As Dr. Nordlinger said today, "6 treatments are not a magic number. We will see what the tests show us and decide where to go from there."

Meanwhile, a couple of things to keep our eyes on:
  1. Nancy's heart is working a little hard. We will do an EKG to find out what that will show us. This is not a crisis issue, and didn't stop us from proceeding with today's treatment. But ask Him who has given her a new heart to slow the beating down some.
  2. Her white blood count is low, and we have to make sure she doesn't pick up any secondary illnesses. Ask HIM to keep her safe and well.
  3. Finally, she is pretty wiped out these days. She longs to have more energy. Ask HIM to renew her strength.

As for me, today I spent time spinning plates, running in and out of the office to plan budgets and interview a prospective hire, hanging out in the treatment room and running down new scripts. There was more than one "tilt moment," interspersed between some nano-seconds of gospel sanity when I remembered that we are just passing through this storm as we head for untold glory.

So, pray for us to endure, to continue that march to glory, while reflecting the hope of glory that issues the drumbeat for a long days' journey like today.

1 comment:

Cindy said...

Hi Dan and Nancy. I will be praying for all the specific ways in which you are asking God to intervene. I think you expressed so well the beauty of the presence of "gospel sanity," even if it does just come for nanoseconds. The struggle to trust that there is a bigger plan in motion and to actually walk that out in the face of adversity is an exhausting one, and my prayers are daily with you to have strength in that regard. Sometimes I think it is easier to "run and not grow weary" during a short trial than to "walk and faint not" during a longer period of difficulty. I pray for strength and peace on those days when you are just putting one tired foot in front of the other. With love - Cindy Nore