Friday, July 25, 2008

The Parade Continues

Safe, sound and only a couple of hours late KJ made it home last night. She had a great trip, and thanks to jet lag she made an 8:10 appearance downstairs this morning so that we could continue "debriefing." Just now she gave us our "travel presents" a cute doll set for Mom and an awesome new cap for Dad. It's great to have her home!

Our Ireland and Uganda interns arrived in good order as well. We will spend a half day reconnecting with them before they disperse. They were buzzing about the summer as I drove from the airport yesterday.

Meanwhile, Josh and Anne have been running a summer Bible week for their inner-city Ark kids. Yesterday he dropped a collage-like sign by the house for Nancy.

Paul's description of the triumphant process seems appropriate for days like yesterday!!

1 comment:

LongJnSilver said...

Johnny & Becky here - just watching & praying with and loving you guys.
Thanks for the solid updates that help us get in y'all's skin - to the degree that we out here in Not Suffering Abnormally At Least For The Moment Laa-Laa Land can.
Your quoting "On Christ the Solid Rock" reminds me of our Junior High corruption of the hymn which, in retrospect, seems truly apropos: "On Christ the Solid Rock I stand, all other ground is stinking sand, all other ground is stinking sand." Ain't it so; ain't it so.
Holy Hugs,
Johnny - for bofus