Wednesday, July 2, 2008

good news for today and forever

Dr. Nordlinger greeted us with thumbs up as we walked into the office this morning. She then told us that the tumors had actually shrank by almost half since this round of chemo began. We are doing 3 more rounds of the same chemo and then have another CT scan in early August.
Meanwhile, we will "check Nancy's flanks" through a bone scan and brain scan over the next week or so, just to be sure. Pray that those tests are clear.

So, this is very encouraging news; we had no idea what we'd hear today. We will pop a champagne cork tonite at dinner. Of course the struggle hasn't ended; we realize that we are in a marathon race over unknown terrain, not a short sprint across the finish line as we half-expected a few weeks ago. Ask God to give us wisdom on how to respond, to sustain this effort as we run the race set before us.

I confess I began to weep for joy as we pulled away from the hospital this morning. My tears did not flow just because Nancy's liver was better. You see, this morning HE brought us back to a deep, deep truth. Gregg had left us a devotional classic when he visited on Sunday and we choose to read a section this morning. Adolphe Monod's words reminded me that Jesus has dealt with ALL my sins : "If out of a thousand sins...only one were left unpardoned then that pardon would be useless to us. But our pardon is complete....Jesus Christ did not just make atonement for some sins, he made atonement for sin itself" This morning as I sat in the waiting room I asked God to center us on this truth, to allow us to regain our joy in such a complete salvation. Later, when we left the hospital, I found myself overcome with the thought that NOT ONE OF OUR SINS is left unhealed by the work of the Great Physician. I found myself remembering that there is no promise of complete healing in this life, but I could trust HIS eternal healing from sin for Nancy and me, and long to herald it before the world.

So, please join us in giving thanks that prayer and chemistry have been used to push back the intrusion on Nancy's liver. Ask HIM to help us continue this journey for many long, long chapters. But as you face your own suffering, find your most complete joy, rest and healing in his complete remission of your sins.


CS said...

So happy guys. There's a mighty stuffy party going on here! Love you.

Anonymous said...

woohoo!!! both for Nancy's reclaimed liver and for sins forgiven.
love from us all

Anonymous said...

Dan and Nancy -

Your news just made its way through the WHM office at about 3PM and we are all partying in our hearts for you. This is a fantastic answer to prayer. Hope you can hear the cheers.

Anonymous said...

We are praising Jesus with you!
Such great news!!!

The Syvertsens said...

i wept as we prayed for you today in anticipation of this appt, and now i weep with joy. praise god for this amazing day. virtual hugs to you both!

Unknown said...

oh yay!!! i'm so excited to hear this!!! God is so gracious!!!

thank you so much for letting us know. i have been thinking about you both all day.

party well tonight!!!
the india team is here for dinner and we will lift a glass in nancy's honor and in thanks to God!!!


Anonymous said...

"Thank You, Lord.
Thank You, Lord.
Thank You, Lord.
We just want to thank You, Lord.

You've been so good.
You've been so good.
You've been so good.
We just want to thank You, Lord."

My parents learned this song at a small church they attended in West Palm Beach. The saints there had very little by way of material blessings, and yet their faith in the midst of the stuff of life made them rich. I find myself singing this song in response to the two great matters you wrote about today.Thank you for reporting on what God is doing in Nancy's body and for what He has done in the pardon for our sin. What magnificient truth.

Wendy said...

Lord You are so good and we are grateful! You have placed within us the desires of our hearts and have been gracious to answer them with yes! You are our hope. You are our complete salvation and we do rejoice.

So much for leftovers tonight! We're putting burgers on the grill and celebrating southern style! Wish you could be here physically to join the party. We'll plan on bringing it to you in PA soon!
Much love!

Rob and Mary said...

Thank you Lord for shrinking these tumors. This is what I have been praying. Thank you for sharing what Jesus is doing in your hearts as well.

DrsMyhre said...

Thanks for sharing not only the good news but the reality that full healing WILL COME even though it may take some grueling miles over rough terrain to get there. We talk about the marathon pace here a lot. I think you two are pace-setters. We are relieved with you, and soberly aware that there are many more miles. You took a risk on trying this chemo, and this is also an encouragement that you're hearing the Spirit as you make your decisions. Love, Jennifer and Scott

Ron Lusk said...

Huzzah! (or, for you younger folks, "W00t!")

This is such good news, along side the Good News.

Peace to you and grace,

words and streets said...

AWESOME, awesome news. we are so so thankful to hear this. we will continue to pray.
the stryds

Anonymous said...

To read your blog this morning was so uplifting-I am so happy to hear this news about the tumor shrinking! And I know I have miles to go myself in understanding how complete my salvation is. Love you today.