Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Time to catch our breath?

Dr. Nordlinger called this evening to tell us that the latest CT scan showed that Nancy's tumors continue to shrink. I promised a little something in her pay packet at the end of the month. (She is still trying to figure us out.) Seriously, that is great news.

We probably will hit the pause button on next week's chemo, though. Most likely we will restart in a week or so. Nancy's heart is still racing and we all think it may be time to let her body recover before doing another round. Although none of the tests cause us to think anything is wrong with her heart, it seems time to visit a cardiologist. Pray for that visit.

We have to admit that delaying the last round of chemo worries us. We have the Unwelcome Visitor on the run, and we don't want to give him time to recover. However, we realize this journey is about balancing all aspects of Nancy's condition. So, pray for us to forsake fear, and remember that HE alone is the ultimate Case Manager.

Today in our weekly open prayer time here at the house, we took Psalm 131 as our call to prayer. It is about the state of our heart before him, and a call to trust in the Lord now and forever. May that be our point of rest and confidence as we contemplate the next few weeks.


Leah said...

don't want it...
good job mom!

Anonymous said...

i'm still trying to figure you guys out as well.


CS said...

Hurray for the continued shrinking of those miserable tumors! Praying that Nancy can rest and regain her strength and that you can all enjoy a few quiet days.

DrsMyhre said...

Thankful to hear your good news. It takes so much faith for you to step back and wait. It seems that two of the most common things we are told directly from God are: FEAR NOT, and WAIT ON THE LORD. Praying both for you now.
Jennifer and Scott

Cindy Nore said...
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Cindy Nore said...

Praying daily that Nancy will feel stronger, that she will rest more easily, and that the tumors will continue to shrink. Waiting, trusting, and trying not to fear are exhausting; know that you are not alone in the battle. With love - Cindy