Thursday, July 31, 2008

A month of letting go

We entered July with much uncertainty; no idea how Nancy's chemo was going. It felt like we were holding our breath. Since that time we continue to hear encouraging test results and Nancy is more engaged with life as the days pass. I am back at work more or less full-time. KJ completed a great trip to Romania. Leah has resumed life in Fulton NY as her first anniversary draws near. We had not counted on any of this on July 1. Yeah, God has been very good this month.

Nevertheless, we have spent the week jumping from one issue to another: high pulse rate, CAT Scans, scheduling new doctor's appointments, stomach aches, low blood pressure and home infusions. How can we handle it? We begin to feel like little Dutch kids sticking our fingers in the dike to hold back the raging sea. Then I remember HIM, the One who is before all things, and in whom all things hold together. Let him hold down this storm front.

1 comment:

Hunter said...

Hey friends. Good to hear the news. We love you and enjoy the updates. All is well here. Spencer came to get his bedroom today...I think that is a good thing. Felt a bit weird. I start preaching for the year in a week. I have had a delightful break. Glad to hear you are back at it Dan. Nancy are you glad? All the best friends.

Hunter and Julie