Saturday, July 5, 2008

The Glorious Fourth

The extended family gathered this weekend as we noted the birth of this noble experiment of American Independence. For years, the Glenside Parade has gone right past our house so this has always been a great spot to hang out on July 4.

Teddie decked out in patriotic colors---with Karen Joy's Help

But we had extra reason to frolic yesterday as we celebrated the good news from Nancy's tests brought us this week. This led to one of our best holidays ever. Nancy was in the center of nearly all the celebration. And folks from the parade even stopped the procession to greet her. Highly appropriate in my view!

Nancy catching up with friends before the parade starts

So, continue the celebrations. But don't stop praying! All the hoopla left Nancy pretty tired today and we face the next round of chemo on Monday.


Anonymous said...

mighty impressed by this woman!!!

Unknown said...

nancy is impressive, but teddy defies description...