Friday, May 15, 2009

A Pioneer Ponders

Years ago I heard a special song while driving to a supporting church. "Pioneer" describes both the loneliness and the joy I find in being at the spearhead of ministry. It explains what it was like to lay the foundation for the work in Ireland. It captures my calling in returning to the WHM office when we were creating the infrastructure for sustainable overseas missions. It sings of the essence of what I have done in building new teams and launching missionaries toward the field.

Pioneer, pioneer
Keep pressing onward, beyond your fears
Only the Father goes before you
To your own frontier
You're a pioneer
You travel light, you travel alone
And when you arrive, nobody knows
But the Father in heaven, He's glad you can go
For those who come after you, will need the road.
What you have done others will do
Bigger and better and faster than you
But you can't look back
No, you gotta keep pressing through
There's a wilderness pathway
and it's calling you
So keep pressing onward--you can't stay here
Only the Father goes before you
to your own frontier--you're a pioneer
Nancy Honeytree
What does it now mean to be a 55 year old pioneer who has watched "my homestead" leveled this past year? A widower nine months into a new leg of the journey?? A guy who has never been that enlivened by routine who now contemplates vital new partnerships and intriguing possibilities??? Where does this old frontier scout go??
Only the Father goes before me to my own frontier--I'm a pioneer. Pray for me. I will keep you posted as the journey moves from the valley to the frontier.

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