Saturday, May 30, 2009

Death of Beauty/Birth of Beauty

Nine months ago today I woke up to blue sky and chirping birds. Nine months ago today I woke up in a room with Nancy for the last time. That day included the sad beauty of our last few hours together. Then she went Home.

This morning began beautifully. Sunlight flooded my room. Birds sang nearby. (Yes, even on Easton Road.) HE has created a new day. HE has opened up new paths to walk. Old friends walk along those paths with me. Important new ones as well. Nine months. They have given birth to a new life.


Unknown said...

i'm so glad you hear the birds and see the blue sky, dan. it's beyond me to know what it's like to have lived the past two years as you. but i'm glad there is new life growing for you :-)

Becky Wilson said...

I join Judi in those observations! Thank you for writing and including us on the journey!