Monday, December 1, 2008

goodbye & hello

Saturday night was special. KJ and I were invited to a dinner party hosted by Talitha Brauer. She and her family were old teammates and friends from our years in Ireland. Talitha has done internships with us, and then lived in the Philly area since college. In fact, she, Leah and Monica lived just two doors down from us during a fun and wacky year.

Lynn and TK remembering the Story

Now TK is headed to Prague to work with our ministry there. She is one of a growing number of second generation WHM--ers. To celebrate, she gathered a few of us together for a preliminary farewell to Philly night. There was plenty of good food, laughter and classic Talitha stories as we sat around the table that night.

Once again the Grand Cause is provoking a round of tearful farewells. They never get easier as Lynn L noted that night. But these are partings with purpose. He calls to "let goods and kindred go" that we might introduce others to the One we follow. So, truly Saturday was about saying goodbye to TK with the hope that someday we might say hello to others who have joined her --and us on the journey that leads safely home.

To the King and His Cause!

1 comment:

tea88 said...

Thank you for coming, Dan. It was a special night.
And, I'd be glad to pray with you all ANY time :)