Saturday, December 27, 2008

Happy birthday KJ

KJ was our furlough baby. I remember how disappointed Nancy was when the decision was made for us to come back to the USA after she became pregnant. We had really wanted an "Irish child." Instead she was born in Holy Redeemer Hospital in Huntington Valley December 28, 1985. The delivery took place in a birthing room. I timed Nancy's pains between plays of a bowl game that came through the TV. Very weird. But that was part of the movement away from the sterile birthing environment that characterized the baby boomer births. That quirky beginning ushered in this wonderful creative gal who remains one of the lights of my life.

Tonight the kids and I went to a favorite restaurant to celebrate KJ's 23rd birthday. It was a great evening in which we again chose joy and life over sorrow and sighing. Thus another of the "firsts without Nancy" was marked. The anniversary tour continues this week. Pray for us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have prayed, will pray; thank you for writing, keep writing. God give you "strength for today, and bright hope for tomorrow".