Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Opening the Doors to the Season of Hope

Christmas has always been a magical time for me, my favorite time of the year. I remember Christmas programs from grade school, candlelight services at Delia Presbyterian Church and chaotic Christmas mornings of gift opening as a kid. More recently, I remember building that wonder into our growing family, Christmas Eve performances at Glenside, and the special joy I took in shopping for Nancy.

A couple of years ago, Nancy found an awesome Advent calendar. It found pride of place on the mantle each December 1. Each day we opened another door as Christmas approached. Again last year Nancy and I dutifully kept the vigil going, even as the spectre of cancer loomed over our celebration. We opened the doors, and read the passages laid out in an Advent guide published by New Life Church.
This year I also refuse to let go of the wonder. We will open the doors each day. We will remind ourselves that He came once before to reverse the curse. He will return once again to restore all things.


Anonymous said...

Absolutely. And that HOPE is the whole point of everything else.

Cindy Nore said...

Hi Dan. Thank you for continuing to post as you walk down this road of adjusting to life without Nancy by your side and in your home. Praise God that we know she is alive and well in Heaven and that she will never leave your hearts. I konw that the holiday season is full of bittersweet emotions this year, and I pray that as you and KJ open the daily doors on the beautiful Advent calendar lovingly brought into your home by Nancy's own hands, you can feel her presence there with you in a way that is comforting and peaceful. Christmas has always been magical for me as well; somehow Easter sometimes overwhelms me as I dwell on what Christ endured physically and emotionally in His death, all to bring us eternal life, yet Christmas puts me in the minds of Mary and Joseph, staring in awe and wonder at their baby and knowing that He was indeed the Son of God. I love envisioning the Wise Men seeing the star and following its light to worship our King, and I can almost hear the angels telling the frightened shepherds not to fear, and then bursting into song: "Glory to God in the highest, and on Earth peace, goodwill to men!"

Praying for peace and comfort for all who love and miss Nancy - With love, Cindy