Friday, December 26, 2008

The First Stop on the Anniversary Tour

We always loved the day after Christmas in Ireland. "St. Stephen's Day" was also a holiday there. We took it as a day to rest, really enjoy family and friends with the Christmas rush behind us. Here in America, it's about returning gifts, and checking out the After Christmas sales at the mall.

But last year was neither about resting or shopping, it was about surgery. We had watched the movie "The Nativity" together on Christmas night '07. Nancy liked it because it helped her to focus on Jesus as she awaited her mastectomy. It was a sweet and gentle way to end the Season.

The next morning we were up early heading to Abington Hospital for the day's surgery. That day ended with much hope, much promise. But that optimism didn't last into summer. Instead, today we begin to tick off the first of a series of painful anniversaries. For the next eight months we will face many dates when we will remember the disappointments that marked Nancy's rapid ride HOME.

It seems that "courage" will be needed to keep these impending dates from dragging us down. I wonder how they will look to her as she peers back at days of hope and pain. She sees all this stuff from her "celestial box seat." Thus she must view it as worth the ride. From our vantage point, we can only look ahead trusting HIM that the final destination truly does mean that "the best is yet to be."

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