Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Courage

We don't throw around the word "courage" much in places I frequent. We talk about "faith" more often. But what if we defined "courage" as " faith" in action? Then I would say that there was a lot of courage flowing through the family this last day or so.

How much courage did it take for KJ to undertake the Christmas baking without her mom at her side this year?

How did I find the courage to wake up this morning, put on the coffee, light up the Christmas tree, put on one of my favorite CD's and greet the family with a smile when they came downstairs to face an uncertain day?

How much courage did it take for the girls to organize our traditional brunch, even serving on the good wedding china we reserve for these special days?

How much courage did it take for Josh and Anne, Chris and Leah and KJ to sit and joke and laugh as we opened presents in the same room we had watched Nancy fade only four months before?

How much silent courage was expended organizing the clan for a Christmas family photograph, knowing we were shooting it for the first time without mom/amma right beside me?

How do you describe the brave resolve this family found this day to be there for one another, hang in there, exchanging both laughter and tears? This courage flowed because people petitioned a loving Father to strengthen this little family. Courage was granted as we made this a good Christmas, the Christmas Nancy would want us to have.


Cindy Nore said...

Hi Dan. Indeed, it does take courage to choose to celebrate and enjoy Christmas through the pain and tears of missing Nancy. Your family was absolutely displaying faith in action and trust in God as you chose to honor Nancy through maintaining precious routines and sharing your love of your family. My counselor has commented to me repeatedly that grieving well is hard work and requires tremendous courage, and that this choice to courageously work through all the emotions is such a tribute to the loved ones whose loss we grieve. I know Nancy would be proud and honored with the way your family honored and celebrated her and our Saviour yesterday. Gode bless - Cindy

Unknown said...

i like your definition of courage.. i think it's true. and your family displayed a lot of faith yesterday in continuing on the macha tradition. laughter mixed with pain and faith... that's courage. that's trusting God for the very difficult things.

i echo what cindy said, nancy would/is proud of the way you and kj especialy carried on. you are not living in a bubble, your faith has challenged you to live in a real and broken world. it leaves me speechless.

Wendy said...

Dan, it's been a while since I've written. Your courage, the whole family's continues to bless and inspire me. I remember and pray, smile, weep, wonder what He has for each of you in the coming seasons. How amazing to think that we will need to imagine Nancy's perspective going forward, rather than look for the glint in her eyes to know what she thinks. The distance between NC and PA still makes her absence a bit surreal. I'm walking with another friend as she battles cancer, her's began July 28th. The roller coaster ride being played out this time here in Winston and now at Duke. The layers to this life of grief can be great, even as we have Hope and joy. I pray that you will continue to sense His leading as you live. I do continue to pray as you asked 2 months ago. Come and visit Ger and I soon.