Thursday, November 20, 2008

Continuing to Announce

A couple of weeks ago my friend Sandy reminded me that I am still in the announcement phase. That is, I am still connecting with folks in the wake of Nancy's death, having first conversations with them, even letting folks know. Also, I face ongoing reminders that ING, and the IRS still deal with me as Dan and Nancy. Their computers have yet to absorb the news that she is Home.

While calling some of WHM's financial partners Tuesday night, I had two bittersweet announcement conversations. First, with a former Ireland team mate, we shared joys and sorrows. I was able to tell her that the Dublin neighborhood we ministered to 1983 now has a church in the community center. Together we marveled at how God really had heard our prayers after all.

Next I talked to a couple with whom we have partnered for over 30 years. There were so many wonderful stories to swap. So many reminders of HIS love. They reminded me of a trip Nancy had taken to encourage them when they were serving in Europe. It was so good to recall the good things we had seen The Father do in and through us.

Those calls warmed my heart. But I found myself losing it on the way home. Once more I had announced the change to dear friends. Once more the wound was strangely reopened, even as His faithfulness to us was relived, once more the longing for HOME was re-enforced, once more gospel hope flowed into the sadness we all felt.

What a strange and turbulent ride I encounter through this valley of grief. I am glad I don't walk this valley alone.


Ron Lusk said...

Thanks, Dan. Still praying, of course.

Anonymous said...

yes, Dan, still praying---

my usual trigger is driving past your house.

thanks for continuing to share your thoughts with us so we can pray knowledgably.

we care about you and your whole family.