Saturday, November 1, 2008

the chain of life

I have five “kids” and five “grandkids.” Each bring uniquejoy to my soul. But when I am with Micah, I feel very close to his “Amma.”

That’s no surprise. Nancy spent much of her summer rebound reflecting on the perfect name for our latest grandchild. Just this week, I found that she had “favorited” a web page explaining the meaning of his name on the Internet. Last night I held him for ten minutes. It was like holding a little piece of Nancy. During that time, I tried to pray some of things I most loved about her into his life. I prayed that he would have her gentleness, her compassion, her childlike faith, and her passion for others to know the Master she served. I maintain this mystical conviction that she passed some of those qualities onto him when they laid side-by-side for twenty minutes the day he came home from the hospital, the day she went home to heaven.

Who knows about that? But it has been nine weeks ago today that she left this earth, and I am certain that I still do not want to let her go.

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