Thursday, August 28, 2008

In His Hands

Last night I met Micah for the first time. I held him on behalf of "Amma" and told him what a special name he bore, and how many folks had prayed for his coming. Not sure he understood much of what I said, but we bonded. 'Nuf Said.

I spent the night in Nancy's room. So, we began the day with a "taste of Spurgeon." This great 19th century English preacher reminded us:

All things are safe in Jehovah's hands;
what we entreat to the Lord will be secure,
both now and in that day of days
toward which we are hastening.
It is peaceful living and glorious dying
to repose in the care of heaven
At all times we should yield our all
to Jesus' loving hand

Today the engines propelling Nancy's body continue to wind down. No signs of immediate departure. But, Nancy's bouts of apnea increase. It is possible she might slip away quickly, although we wonder if she does want to meet Micah face to face. The earliest possible time for that introduction would be tomorrow. We leave it in Hands, trusting that this matter is secure.


Debby said...

I've cried as I've read your blog. I pray the Lord awes you with His love and care, and that you tangibly feel His arms holding you. I pray for your kids as they say goodbye to their mom.
-debby gifford vannoy

CS said...

Hurray - another Macha! We're praying that Nancy and Micah can meet "face to face". And thinking of all of you there and praying - thanks for including all of us on this journey.

Mom said...

We have a friend here whose daughter just died of liver cancer and she loved the quote.. we grieve with you.. in the hands of Jesus..

Becky & Johnny Long

Monica said...

Praying and thinking lots and lots of you guys throughout each day. I was in your neighborhood last night and prayed for you all as I saw your Miata parked on the side of the road. Nancy is going to see Jesus soon- how amazing for her and yet our huge, huge loss.

Unknown said...

it is my totally uncorroborated opinion that she's been waiting to meet micah all this time. in fact, it's been my prayer for the past few months that she will indeed get a chance to set her eyes on this child that she named.

she's waiting, i hope tomorrow comes soon and micah along with it.

Anonymous said...

I pray too, that Nancy will meet her new grandson. I can't help but think that she is hanging on just to meet him. Love you guys.

Cindy Nore said...

Still praying for all of you - for peace in trusting in God's perfect timing and comfort in your hour of need. I hope Nancy can meet Micah "face to face" but know that if the Lord wills otherwise, His plan and His grace are steady and constant. Hope you guys get some rest tonight as you wait for God to reveal His perfect timing. I am just heartbroken for the very real sadness and grief you are dealing with and wish I could bear some of it for you. I pray God would keep the army of prayer warriors lifting you up minute by minute.