Monday, August 4, 2008

God meets me

I'm not supposed to be driving. But because I have felt lousy for over a month with my heart problems,and I am sick of it, I thought for sure I could drop Karen off at the home of a wedding she was in. WRONG I sideswiped our wooden fence before leaving the driveway. I carried on out the to my destination and returned fine. Poor Karen. I have'nt checked but I am sure there are fingernail impressions somewhere in the car. When I let Karen out of the car she asked me to text her to make sure I got home okay. Isn't usually the other way around? Mother asking daughter? I have not driven since. I don't feel up to it.
I have a cardiologist appt Wed. to hopefullly find out why my blood pressure is up and down and my pulse rate is too high. I get IV fluids at home but that does not seem to be the answer. Everyone else thinks it might be the chemo. which is not great because I neeed more chemo. I guess we did tell you that the tumors are still shrinking!!! Wonderful news!
I don't do anything all day which gets old but I cannot talk or listen to anyone more than five minutes. I do not watch tv (except for CSI Miami so I can turn up the volume to hear Horatio's voice) and occasionally the Phillies. I don't want to listen to music or tapes or read. A dear friend prayed that even when I am not well and don' t feel like doing anything, that God will meet me. I can truly say He does.

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