Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Back to an Empty Nest

Yesterday Leah and Jonah headed home. They played important roles in getting us thru the past week. Leah kept some of the wheels turning for us. Jonah gave us many smiles. Still, I was thankful to have them back home for New Year's Eve.

Today KJ headed back to the Big Apple. She had been with us for over a week, and her sweet encouragement brought us a lot of joy. And she made us great curried chicken salad yesterday. Tomorrow she begins an Italian course at FIT. Apparently, you HAVE to know Italian to get a degree in fashion design.

So, it feels a bit more normal here again. But pretty quiet. We are trying to catch our breath,

Meanwhile, we hope to get a fuller pathology report tomorrow. Pray for the call to come tomorrow morning....and pray for us to rest in HIM as we await this news.


CS said...

Remembering and praying for you guys as you see the pathologist on Wednesday.

Brad & Stacey said...

Glad you had some good time with your family. Today we got to see Meredith and family as they are hanging out in Vienna before TL's retreat. We will continue to pray for your rest and recovery.