Sunday, January 6, 2008

Tree Down!

Yesterday Nancy and I packed away the "Holiday" decorations and I curbed the tree along Easton Road for the Township to collect. By and large, I hate taking down Christmas decorations. Taking down the tree means that there are no more prezzies to open, the last kolache has been baked and it's time, it really is time to put away the Bing Crosby, Nat King Cole and Buddy Greene Christmas CD's for 11 months. Yes sir, packing up the Nativity Scene means that there is nothing left to squeeze out of this season, and we gotta face January. Nothing left to do but wait 6 more weeks for Spring Training to start.

But this year, boxing the balls, and lights and angels became an act of celebration. Why? Return to the first four words...."Yesterday,Nancy and I". We had put up that tree on a sweet and scary Saturday night last month, not knowing if she would be strong enough to help take it down any time soon. So, it was great fun to undertake a simple household task together. Each day she gets a bit stronger.

Today, as she naps I write these words with renewed thanksgiving for 32 years of picking out trees, stringing on lights, and then taking them down. I reflect on the gift of a wonderful, courageous and faithful life partner with whom to face the joys and sorrows of this journey.

One more thought about the past season. As the path continues, I have learned to sing the old carol, O Come O Come Emmanuel as the longing of my own soul......Come King Jesus and usher in the season that will never end. Take us to the house where the decorations never come down!!

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Beautiful post! Love it!