Thursday, January 24, 2008

The Last Supper

This evening Martha C dropped by our house with a delicious dish of Mediterranean Chicken. Her delivery ended a run of culinary charity that began December 28 and continued every other night through tonight. During the month, we were treated to hearty soups, tasty cornbread, heavenly homemade bread, and scrumptious desserts. My new boss Carolyn and her Lepracunish husband Tim even showed up last Friday with rice, chicken and cucumbers: a revolutionary combination for two kids raised on the plains of Kansas.

Thus, the meals ministry of New Life Church nourished us as Nancy recovered. This good food helped her regain her strength, allowed me to focus on laundry, dishes, cleaning and walking the "Tedster." But there was more. Jesus was using his people to strengthen us as Nancy recovered from a walk through the valley of the shadow. God was using His Family to wrap His arms around us and remind us that HE is going to love us all the way through our journey.

PS....No word yet on chemo. It took a while to get the lab test under way. Now praying for results early NEXT WEEK.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We're loving the blog shout out though some leprechaun's are curious as to how many people will now refer to him as the Lucky Charms guy...

Continuing in prayer,

The Stonehomies