Sunday, January 13, 2008

Might As Well Face It.......

I'm addicted......and if you understand the terms "shell-shocked" or "gun shy" you can understand the nature of my problem. My addiction to fear. My latest binge into addictive behavior began when Nancy was diagnosed with cancer. Now that was something to worry about. How large was the tumor? Had it spread to the glands? What stage was she at? We had a right to be afraid. It was natural to worry, right?

But once I began to worry, fear began to govern my life. After all, there are so many things to worry about besides Nancy's cancer: MY health, our kids, our grandchildren, the economy, Iraq, Pakistan, the falling dollar in Euorpe, the state of WHM, the health of New Life Church. These are all things that occupy my thoughts from time to time. And to paraphrase Des Cartes, "I think, therefore, I worry."

Cancer is an univited guest. We will live with his shadow in our home for a good five years. We have no option there. But compulsive worry is a choice, a default setting that I want to renounce. With HIS help. The "methadone" for fearful people involves taking worries to HIM and laying them at the feet of Jesus. This morning as I pondered the perscription written in Psalm 34:

I sought the Lord and He answered me, and delivered me from all my fears.
Pray that we take that medicine every time we feel afraid.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Dan & Nancy,
Just read through your journey so far. And I quite well identify, from the perspective of daughter. The timing for my mom's cancer was actually this exact time of year as well (4 years ago). I will be praying for you and your family and for the fear that does cast its unwanted shadow on life. That Jesus will meet you with His presence at each place of fear. Love you guys -- Heather Nelson