Sunday, December 30, 2007

The Week Ahead

Last week we went through some very rough seas. But HIS grace was sufficient! We peer into the next seven days aware that we will need HIM to walk us through the next steps.

Monday will begin with another visit from the visiting nurse. Pray that the wound continues to heal and that Nancy continues to regain strength.

Tuesday KJ will head back to New York. She will take a winter session course at FIT before finishing her Bachelor's Degree with the Spring Semester. Pray for her focus, and for a plan to emerge for life after graduation. (Could it be Romania? A phone call from Cluj last night further raised that probability.)
Wednesday we expect to get a fuller pathology report. Pray the initial optimism will be confirmed when we get these results. Pray for us to wait with patience and hope.

Friday we expect to meet with the our surgeon. Hopefully, he can remove the drain that day.

Meanwhile, at some point Leah and Jonah need to return to Fulton, NY. Pray for them and Aidan and Chris as they prepare to welcome baby Katharine into their family at the end of next month. Hanging out with Jonah again has been a soothing mercy during a challenging week.
I will also return to the office this coming week. Pray for the timing of that return, and for me as I resume my work.
A month ago today we got the results that confirmed something scary was going on inside Nancy. A week ago today, we were staring an invasive surgery in the face even as we sang Christmas carols. It has been a wild ride to date, an adventure that has led us into moments of stark terror and wonderful assurance that HE is in control and HE cares for us. We are sustained by HIM who uses HIS people to carry us along.

1 comment:

Rob and Mary said...

Praise God for all His mercies during such a difficult time. Praying for Nancy's healing and for you all to be able to continue trusting. That is truly a work of the HS. Happy belated B-Day KJ.
Mary B