Monday, December 17, 2007

The Journey Begins

This journey began with Nancy's annual exam. A suspicious x-ray was followed by a second set of pictures and two biopsies.

Now we face surgery on December 26. Our world has been rocked, but we know that this part of the road unfolds under HIS watch. We shall see where it goes.


Rebecca said...

Praying praying praying...

Romans 15:16

With love,
Rebs xx

Rebecca said...

Oops. That's supposed to be Romans 15:13...although I'm sure 15:16 are good to read, too. ;)

Karen said...

We are praying for you. -Karen Masso

LongJnSilver said...

Hi, Dan & Nancy,
Johnny & Becky here from London. We love you guys bunches - and are PRAYING DAILY for you - for your faith - and for your healing.
BIG hugs,

Unknown said...

Nancy(and Dan),

We are praying for you. And, let us know if there is anything we can do for you.

Bob & Nancy

Ron Lusk said...

We're here, too, praying and waiting with you.

Julee Glaub said...

Dear Dan and Nancy
I remember many a mountain we climbed together in the 80's in Ireland and how our heavenly Father brought us peace beyond our own understanding. I am praying that for you and your family now.
Sending much love,
Julee from North Carolina

Monica said...


Matthew said...

Dan and Nancy, this may seem out of place, but I must say that when I think of you two, I laugh. You make me feel that way. You make me feel like things are just about as messed up as they can get and a lot of it is worth laughing at, or around, or just to say to Satan, "YOUR A JERK! and we LAUGH in your face because of people like the Macha's who help us do so. Tonight, as Monica sends me word of your current struggle which adds to the mountain of struggles you've been steeped in, I smile when I see your picture and I sign as I long with you, for Christ's return...

Miss you people,

Matthew (for Amy too)