Sunday, June 8, 2008

weekend update

We sent Leah, Chris and the kids home today. It was great to have Leah here for the last two weeks as we were getting a handle on this new chapter. We are generally finding out how to do family now. God's grace is richly evident to us each day, even as we are sometimes reminded that we remain sinners desperate for his grace even as we try to love each other along this path. We all look for ways to help Nancy in her weakness. And God is giving her grace to enjoy these gestures.
Jonah takes his turn escorting "Amma" to the powder room.
Nancy had a strong day yesterday, but this morning was a bit rough with some persistent nausea and vomiting. Later in the day, the meds kicked in, though.
Finally, tomorrow is chemo day. Pray for HIS grace to be evident throughout the day, and for the drugs to turn back the cancer cells.


Phil and Shanna said...

It's already Monday morning here, so I'm praying for you guys and today's chemo. We love you, Phil & Shanna

CS said...

Monday morning here too and praying for your day there, especially the chemo bit. Glad the last week has been so restorative.xxooxx

The Syvertsens said...

praying constantly.

LongJnSilver said...

Thanks so much for keeping us up to date... really helps us keep you on our hearts and in our praying!

"The squeaky wheel gets the grease!"

We love you guys bunches.

Johnny - for "bofus"