Friday, February 15, 2008

Valentine's Surprise

We had planned a quiet celebration. I was going to get Chinese takeaway on the way home from work. But that was not to be.
Yesterday Nancy awoke with a fever. A quick trip to the oncologist landed her back in the hospital as her bloodcount was not good and her fever lingered.
She is resting comfortable as they seek to bring her fever down, and determine its source. This is an all too frequent consequence of chemo we hear. But we need to get her count back up to continue chemo on February 26.
Meanwhile, I give thanks for the way our early life forged our union, preparing us to weather the current storm. More than that, I marvel at the way Nancy's patience and good humor point me to Christ as she leans into suffering.

1 comment:

st said...

Nancy and Dan, we love you guys and are praying for you every day. Susan and Terry