Thursday, May 1, 2008

Just Another Day's Healing

So, yesterday was interesting. Having any part of the body "microwaved" is not fun, but the "procedure" is now behind me. And was certainly less intense than cancer surgery. I have even went back to work today, although there were a few rocky moments in the day.

Meanwhile, I shaved 30 points off the top number of my blood pressure reading this past month. And processed sugar has disappeared from the house.

Wow, did I just write that passage? What is this General Hospital?? Anyway, Nancy is much stronger now that it has been three weeks since her chemo. We walk the dog together almost every night. It is good to be making progress during this healing season.

1 comment:

Ordinary Radical said...

Dude, Processed Sugar is from Satan, glad you rid it from your if I can just get it outta mine... :)
