Wednesday, May 28, 2008

a few pieces fall into place

A better day today. Nancy is a bit stronger. She got a blood transfusion which should strengthen her. Slowly, she managed to get back on her feet and walk just a bit. She may be headed home tomorrow! However, her lung needs to mend just a bit more from the complications around her port insertion. DO PRAY ABOUT THAT.

We did conference with her oncolgist today. Here's the deal: We will take a shot at a couple of chemo drugs over the next few weeks. That will show us if we can slow down the raging forest fire burning inside her body. We should know how that goes soon. What happens next? As Dr. Nordlinger said, "You guys seem religious. All i Can say is, 'It's in God's hands.'"

We will leave it there...although sometimes I want him to let me drive. And I long to drive with Nancy in the seat next to me for a long time to come.


Josiah said...

Just heard about Nancy from David S. So sorry, brother. Please know that Barbara and I will be praying for you both, for the kids as well.

Love you, brother.


Anonymous said...

Dearest Machas,

My heart aches with you and for you as you walk this difficult road. I am encouraged to hear that today was better, and hope and pray that the cancer will respond to this new round of chemo.

Nancy, I am blessed by your strength and peace throughout this journey -- your certainty of God's love for you even (perhaps especially?) in this situation is a blessing.

Dan, Leah, Josh, KJ, Chris, Anne, Aidan, Jonah, Lucia, Katherine, and Baby Macha, I am praying for each of you; i know that yours is a different journey than Nancy's, and comes with a different set of challenges and heart ache.

I love you guys. Rest assured that we are all interceding before the throne on your behalf; may you feel an overwhelming sense of God's love.


Anonymous said...

Dan and Nancy,
I was stunned to receive the email from WHM today about Nancy's cancer.
I want the words to be few and the message clear: we love you,are standing with you and looking to THE ONE AND ONLY ONE who can sustain you.
thank you for sharing your journey in this blog, I have spent the last hour catching up on your last 6+ months.
not being strangers to this roller coaster ride, our [Beecher and me]hearts are full of prayer for all of you.
With love, Beecher and Ann Bailey

CS said...

Just glad that Nancy had a better day. Hope she gets to come home soon. Love you guys.

Hunter said...

Now is when our faith is proved. This is one of the times we have been practicing for all these years. You have had others and you have proved your faith (with fear and trembling). I have been amazed and taken great hope and courage from you. Remember, in the Kingdom, nothing is lethal. Julie and I love you.

carolyn wilt said...

Dan and Nancy, Our prayers are with you always.
Mark and Carolyn Wilt

Anonymous said...


My tears are still hot on my face for you and Nancy. I have never met her but through this blog I feel like I have known her all my life, ah the power of the cross and the silver tread that binds us together. I look forward to the eternal reunion for us all.
yours in Christ Jesus, Laura and Jim Pettit

Rob and Mary said...

Tears fall.............

Continuing in prayer to our heavenly Father for Dan, Nancy and family.

You have been a real blessing to us over the years.


DrsMyhre said...

Dear Dan, Nancy, and family,
We used our team meeting in Uganda to pray for you all from John 11: for faith in Jesus' timing if it looks like he's delaying, for meeting the truth in Him as you hear His words, for grief to be accepted and expressed, and for God's glory to be revealed in your healing or in your suffering or in both. Hoping Nancy gets to come home today. We are many time zones and countries away but will be with you in Spirit. Jennifer and Scott

Anonymous said...

Dear Machas,
Carolyn recently told us about Nancy's recent physical worsening, and overall eternal improvement. She is already spiritually cured, of course, since sin's curse on her has been crushed at the cross, but complete freedom from sin's pervasive effects is at hand for Nancy and really for all of us who are in Christ. We'll continue to intercede for all of you from Central Asia.
Steve and Beth

Anonymous said...

Dan and Nancy,

Could hardly believe my ears when Becca called me on Tuesday to give me the results of the biopsy. Our hearts are so heavy for you guys. Praying God's peace and presence over you in new and deep ways.

Love, John and Shelly

jane. said...

thinking of y'all.

Anonymous said...

Nancy, Dan and family,
We too are affected by the recent news regarding Nancy's condition. We are included in the host of friends that have been blessed and encouraged in knowing you over so many years, whose hearts are now heavy and eyes filled with tears.

Although for the last three years we have lived in Arizona and have had limited ability for direct contact, we continue to be blessed by God through you. We are praying for continued sustaining grace from God for you as well as ourselves as we journey on our individual paths to our eternal destination. As children of God we are heirs of the King with a single calling to glorify Him. May your souls be supremely satisfied in Him. We are fighting and praying daily for the glory of God to be displayed and cherished.

With love and prayer,
Phil & Chris Fisher
Gilbert, Arizona

Drew said...

Hi Dan & Nancy,
We heard the very hard news that you have received this week from Ginny and Paul. We are so sorry for what you are enduring. We join the host of friends who love you dearly to pray for the Holy Spirit's tender care for you all both body and soul. We love you guys.
Drew & Ann
"He came to serve, not to be served---and then to give away his life in exchange for many who are held hostage." Mk 10...You guys have taught me so much about giving away your lives so that others may know Him. May His life united with yours give much strength and comfort.

Anonymous said...

I love you Machas, and I'm praying.

Unknown said...

Praying for you.

Jules Mules said...

Hi Dan and Nancy,
Ohhh. I just heard the news about Nancy. My heart goes out to you and will pray for your family in this very hard time of unknowns. Much much Love, Julie (Bouslog) Mueller

domandkat said...

Thinking of and praying for you both during this profoundly difficult time in your lives.

Dom and Kat Christison