Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Adjusting Priorities

Nancy is not doing any dancing after Round 3 of chemo, but she is riding this one out with no fever thus far. It has been a long season of limited activity for her, limited focus for me. A quiet season to be sure.

After breakfast this morning we read Philippians 3. It is a familiar passage for us, but we hadn't looked at it together since this journey began. I found myself reading slowly, savoring each sentence, every word. The chapter seemed alive with renewed meaning for us in the light of this illness.

I was reminded how often I have rejoiced in things I have done rather than placing supreme valuing in knowing HIM. (verse 7) As we we are made aware of our growing weakness we are thankful that HE has laid hold of our salvation.(verse 12) As we wonder about what the future holds, it is good to know that our citizenship is heaven. (verse 20)

Who knows where this journey is headed? We could have 20 or more years of active service ahead. But this phase of life is about adjusting priorities, learning to find our security resting in HIM as we await the prize.

1 comment:

amy said...


so thankful to find you here. thank you for your prayers for me in my transition from uganda.

i am lifting you to the throne of Jesus this week.

yes, come quickly, Lord!